Jordan is located in the Middle East on the continent of Asia. It has a population of 11 million people, with Muslims making up approximately 92% of the population. The official religion is Islam, while the official language is Arabic. The most widely spoken foreign language is English, which allows tourists to communicate easily with the locals. The capital of Jordan is Amman, and its currency is the Jordanian Dinar. The country’s economy relies on agriculture, industry, tourism, and trade. Jordanians are known for their hospitality and warm reception of guests.

Jordan features diverse and stunning natural landscapes. Its most famous landmarks include Petra, which is considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985. Petra is a city carved into pink sandstone. Another notable site is the Baptism Site, located north of the Dead Sea, which is a sacred place for Christians and is also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Regarding cuisine, mansaf is the national dish of Jordan, reflecting Jordanian heritage. It consists of lamb cooked in a dried and fermented yogurt sauce called jameed, served with rice or bulgur, and presented in a flat dish with layers of rice and meat.

Jordan is renowned as a leading global destination for healthcare. It ranks first in the Middle East and fifth globally for medical treatment. Consequently, medical tourism is a significant attraction and investment factor in Jordan. The country has become one of the world’s major centers for medical tourism, with prominent therapeutic sites including the hot springs and mineral baths at places like the Dead Sea resorts and Ma’in Hot Springs, offering exceptional treatments for skin diseases using natural materials extracted from the Dead Sea.

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