American, from Syria; seeking Undergraduate degree in Fine Arts and is enrolled at School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
I am trying to fund my one and a half years left to complete the masters program in Performance art at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
My dream is to become a facilitator that brings communities in Syria together through the means of collaborative storytelling and performance.
Why Would Donors Fund You?
Stories possess immense power, especially if they are expressed beautifully in a live setting. As stories can get us to new insight, understanding and knowledge. During times of conflict stories initiate dialogue that brings us together and can often lead us to collectively develop empathy for one another.
How Do You Plan to Payback?
I volunteered to translate for refugee families in Chicago and helped produce a documentary featured one particular family. I have also been teaching at theatre and performance at schools and colleges in Chicago where I share with my students knowledge on Syria and the different cultures of the Arab world.
Thank you Ammar
Ammar Al Shami the person that I heard wonders about that made me long to meet his soul. Ammar may have left us physically, but his spirit still lives through us young Syrians in diaspora who are building a bright future. During some of the most financially challenging times Ammar Al Shami's Fund has supported me, and did not leave me behind in a semester when things were difficult. Without this support I would perhaps never have graduated in time as I would have had more credits left to finish now but instead I graduated, and already began my career.
Check out my website
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