Makdous … Unwritten Eating Code for Syrian Households
For the Syrian family, whenever we think about September, Makdous appears in our minds like an unwritten eating code that this dish should be served for breakfast.
Keeping “AI” on the Refugee Crisis
Keeping “A I” on the Refugee Crisis
The Fez Throughout History
The Fez Throughout History
My Experience Working with aiXplain
My experience working with aiXplain. Teamwork and time management are the basis for success at work.
Dressing in Syria is more than what we recognize as ordinary outfits.
Traditional Clothing In Syria
Why I Wrote My Book: “Bed Without a Homeland”
Why I Wrote My Book: “Bed Without a Homeland”
Afamiyah: the City of Old Treasures
Afamiyah city and its civilization that dates back to before the birth of Christ
The British princess who left her palace to live in the Syrian desert
The British princess who left her palace to live in the Syrian desert. The British lady who left her palace and moved to live a love story in the Syrian desert.
News of the Month
The News Roundup